Presentation in Madison, October 2010

»Maintaining South Slav Migrant Groups. The Praxis, 1890ies to 1960ies«

Presentation in the workshop ›The Transatlantic Migration Experience‹ together with Annemarie Steidl and James Oberly at the Max Kade Institute for German-American Studies, University of Wisconsin – Madison, October 16, 2010.

Abstract: Ethnic identities have been treated as a ›given‹ for many decades. This presentation departs from the great difficulty of maintaining a group at all, taking South Slav migrant groups from the 1890ies to 1960ies in the Northeastern United States as an example.

Presentation cancelled, Vienna July 2010

»Workers write their Lives. Three Autobiographies by Balkan Migrants in the Iron Range Mining Regions of Minnesota«

Panel ›Migration in/and Ego Documents‹ at the Symposium ›Migrations: Interdisciplinary Perspectives‹, Interdisziplinäres Dialogforum der Wittgenstein-PreisträgerInnen an der Universität Wien Vienna,  July 1–3, 2010.

Unfortunately, the presentation had to be cancelled due to sickness.


Wladimir Fischer: “Migrant Accommodation around 1900: Vienna vs. ‘North America’”

Presentation at the 34th Social Science History Association Meeting in Long Beach, California.

In the panel The Trans-National Immigration Experience from the Austro-Hungarian Empire, 1870-1914, organized by Annemarie Steidl (University of Vienna) with papers by Annemarie Steidl and James Oberly (University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire).
