MMag. Karin Kaltenbrunner, data input
Karin Kaltenbrunner studied History and Theater-, Film- and Medien Studies at the University of Vienna. Since 2005 she has taken part in several archival exploratory research projects in the Austrian Film Museum, the Documentation Archive of Austrian Resistance (DÖW) and in the Wienbibliothek of the Vienna City Hall and more. She is currently putting together an archive for the research project „Die Kinderjause. Zur Geschichte einer marginalisierten Jugend“, and takes part in preparing the exhibition „Der Erste Weltkrieg und das Ende der Habsburgermonarchie“ (The First World War And the End Of the Habsburg Monarchy).
Karin publishes on film history, most recently in her book „Mad Medicine. Zur Repräsentation des Wissenschaftlers im Frankenstein-Zyklus der Hammer Film Productions (1957–1974)“, LIT-Verlag.