Results have been published from research carried in the project Understanding the Migration Experience: The Austrian-American Connection, 1870-1914, conducted by Annemarie Steidl and for Difference in the City in 2010 at the University of Minnesota in the Twin Cities. The study
Annemarie Steidl and Wladimir Fischer. “Transatlantischer Heiratsmarkt und Heiratspolitik von MigrantInnen aus Österreich-Ungarn in den USA, 1870–1930.” L’Homme. Zeitschrift für feministische Geschichtswissenschaft 25, no. 1 (2014): 51–68.
reviews the gender imbalance in the marriage market of Austro-Hungarian migrants to the United States before WWI and how it transformed with and after the Great War. It also discusses marriage strategies and migration projects and connects these findings with an analysis of identity politics on inter/ethnic marriage in South Slav newspaper discourse in the USA between the two World Wars.
This is also a German language preview on the English language book co-authored by Steidl, Fischer and James Oberly on “Understanding the Migration Experience” that is in preparation.
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