Dr. Wladimir Fischer, research
Wladimir Fischer is a historian and teaches history at the Department of History, Vienna University, Austria. His main research topics are Southeastern European elites and their identity politics from the eighteenth to the twentieth century, migrants in the metropolis and Balkan literatures and popular culture. Research in Skopje, Istanbul, Novi Sad, Zagreb, Potsdam/Berlin, Essen, Edmonton (Alberta), Leicester and Minneapolis. Recent publications: —. »Ancient Myths Did Not Destroy Yugoslavia« in Transcending Fratricide. Hg. v. Marko Živković und Srdja Pavlović, 2013. »A Worker Writes His Life: Narrative Strategies of an Austro-Hungarian Migrant to the United States.« in Migrations, Hg. v. Renée Schröder und Ruth Wodak, 2012. Wladimir is currently working on a book on Habsburg Serb public cultures from 1786 to 1932 in several European and American cities.